Phpstorm Monokai

Phpstorm monokai pro

Original new colors for debug and kotlin variables


publicclassDemo{privatestaticfinalStringCONSTANT='String';privateObjecto;/*** Creates a new demo.* @param o The object to demonstrate.*/publicDemo(Objecto){this.o=o;Strings=CONSTANT+'Other';inti=123;}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Demodemo = newDemo();}}
Phpstorm monokai pro


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC'-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN'><!-- Sample comment --><HTML><head><title>IntelliJ IDEA</title></head><body><h1>IntelliJ IDEA</h1><p><br><b><IMGborder=0height=12src='images/hg.gif'width=18> Hello&nbsp;World! &#x00B7;&Alpha;</b><br><br></body></html>


require'test'CONSTANT=777# Sample commentclassModule::ClassincludeTestcaserender:action=>'foo'deffoo(parameter)@parameter=parameterendlocal_var=eval<<-'FOO';printIndex'Hello world!'And now this is heredoc! printIndex 'Hello world again!'FOOfoo('#{$GLOBAL_TIME>>$`} is Z sample 'string'*777);if($1=~/sample regular expression/ni)thenbeginputs%W(sample words),CONSTANT,:fooo;do_something:action=>'action'endexpect{counter[0]}.to_beeq11.upto(@@n)do|index|printIndex'Hello'+indexendendend

The two code editors i admire the most are Sublime Text and Intellij Jetbrains. But Sublime is more like a text editor and thus when comes to the debugging no one matches the Intellij Jetbrain's capabilites. I really like sublime color scheme, thus was looking the same for the Intellij Jetbrains and recently i came across small project on github called Intellij-Colors-Sublime-Monokai which does the same.


What is your favourite Color Scheme for PhpStorm? I tweak Monokai (to make files with VCS changes more visible) and use the Color IDE plugin to make all tree / tool windows the same colour background. THIS IS A FORK FROM This version supports Objective-C (for AppCode), Java (for IntelliJ IDEA), Ruby (for RubyMine, even though it already has a Monokai color scheme), and has better PHP support (PhpStorm) This is a port of the Monokai theme from Sublime Text 2 to IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. TmTheme Editor is the a visual color-scheme/theme editor for Sublime Text and Textmate editors. This is a port of my original 1337 theme for Sublime Text.

To install: -


Phpstorm Monokai Pro

  • Download or build the jar (
  • Intellij -> File -> Import Settings -> Select Jar
  • Select Sublime Monokai as the theme in Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts

Phpstorm Monokai Theme

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