Original http://color-themes.com/?view=theme&id=5ad9a16f50544f1700232b73some new colors for debug and kotlin variables
The two code editors i admire the most are Sublime Text and Intellij Jetbrains. But Sublime is more like a text editor and thus when comes to the debugging no one matches the Intellij Jetbrain's capabilites. I really like sublime color scheme, thus was looking the same for the Intellij Jetbrains and recently i came across small project on github called Intellij-Colors-Sublime-Monokai which does the same.
What is your favourite Color Scheme for PhpStorm? I tweak Monokai (to make files with VCS changes more visible) and use the Color IDE plugin to make all tree / tool windows the same colour background. THIS IS A FORK FROM This version supports Objective-C (for AppCode), Java (for IntelliJ IDEA), Ruby (for RubyMine, even though it already has a Monokai color scheme), and has better PHP support (PhpStorm) This is a port of the Monokai theme from Sublime Text 2 to IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. TmTheme Editor is the a visual color-scheme/theme editor for Sublime Text and Textmate editors. This is a port of my original 1337 theme for Sublime Text.
To install: -
Phpstorm Monokai Pro
- Download or build the jar (buildJar.sh)
- Intellij -> File -> Import Settings -> Select Jar
- Select Sublime Monokai as the theme in Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts
Phpstorm Monokai Theme
Suported Languages: -