Phpstorm Docker Xdebug

Xdebug is an extension for debugging your PHP code. Magento Cloud Docker provides a separate container to handle Xdebug requests in the Docker environment. Use this container to enable Xdebug and debug PHP code in your Docker environment without affecting your Magento Commerce Cloud project configuration.

  1. Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Not Working
  2. Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Cli
  3. Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Windows
  4. Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli
  5. Phpstorm Xdebug Ssh

An IDE in your machine (I use PHPStorm) An issue you need to debug (d’oh!) SSH to the remote server and install Xdebug sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug (Debian based servers) Configure Xdebug. The Xdebug configuration goes in the php.ini file (or in a specific.conf file inside your conf.d folder, it depends on the server’s OS). PhpStorm supports the use of Xdebug in the Just-In-Time (JIT) mode so it is not attached to your code all the time but connects to PhpStorm only when an error occurs or an exception is thrown. Depending on the Xdebug version used, this operation mode is toggled through the following settings.

3rd January 2021 docker, php, phpstorm, windows, xdebug I am trying to make XDebug work for Docker container on Windows with PHPStorm. I read different articles and other threads, but still it’s not working. Set up PHP With Docker, PHPStorm, and XDebug Published by marco on Until now, PHP debugging involved a fragile balance between the IDE, the server, and the debugger, each with overly verbose configuration. Xdebug with PHPStorm and Docker.

The following instructions explain how to configure Xdebug and PhpStorm to debug in your local Docker environment.

If you use Microsoft Windows, take the following steps before continuing:

Phpstorm xdebug ssh
  1. Open your Docker settings.
  2. Select the Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS checkbox.
  3. Wait for the settings to apply.

Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Not Working

Enable Xdebug

  1. To enable Xdebug for your Docker environment, generate the Docker Compose configuration file in developer mode with the --with-xdebug option and any other required options, for example.

    For Linux systems, you must use the --set-docker-host option to add the host.docker.internal entry to the /etc/hosts file for the fpm_xdebug container.

    This command adds the Xdebug configuration to your docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Follow the steps to launch the Docker environment in Developer mode.

    The default Docker environment configuration sets the following Xdebug configuration variables:

  3. Change any Xdebug configuration using the XDEBUG_CONFIG option. For example, to change the xdebug.remote_port option:

    On Linux systems, use the following command instead:

To configure PhpStorm to work with Xdebug:

  1. In your PhpStorm project, open the settings panel.

    • Mac OS X—Select File > Preferences.
    • Windows/Linux—Select File > Settings.
  2. In the Settings panel, expand and locate the Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Servers section.

  3. Click the + to add a PHP Remote Debug server configuration. The project name is in grey at the top.

  4. Configure the following settings for the new server configuration:

    • Name—Enter the name used for the serverName option from PHP_IDE_CONFIG value.
    • Host—Enter localhost.
    • Port—Enter 80.
    • Debugger—Select Xdebug.
  5. Select Use path mappings. In the File/Directory pane, the root of the project for the serverName displays.

  6. In the Absolute path on the server column, click and add a value to the MAGENTO_ROOT option. The default value is /app

  7. Change the Xdebug port to 9001 in the Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug > Xdebug > Debug Port panel.

  8. Click Apply.

Use Xdebug

Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Cli

The following steps describe debugging web requests and CLI commands.

To debug web requests:

  1. In your PhpStorm project, click (Start listening) in the top navigation bar.

  2. Add breakpoints in the pub/index.php file.

  3. Install the debug extension in the browser, and then click Debug to enable.

  4. In the browser, open the https://localhost URL.

  5. When PhpStorm recognizes the Xdebug connection, you can begin debugging web requests.

Phpstorm Docker Xdebug Windows


You can debug any Magento command or PHP script using the following steps.

To debug CLI commands:

  1. In your PhpStorm project, open the Build, Extension, Deployment > Docker panel, and then click + to add a new Docker server and update the following settings:

    • Name—Enter a name for the server, for example Docker Cloud.
    • Connect to Docker daemon with
      • Windows—Select TCP socket and update Engine Api Url with tcp://localhost:2375.
      • Mac OS X—Select Docker for Mac. [default]
  2. In the Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Cli Interpreter panel, click […].

  3. Click [+] to add and configure a new Cli Interpreter from your Docker image. Update the following settings:

    • Name—Enter a name for the new interpreter, such as Magento cloud docker cli.
    • Remote—Select Docker.
      • Server—Select Docker Cloud from the previous step.
      • Image name—Select magento/magento-cloud-docker-php:7.x-cli.
    • Additional > Debugger extension
      • Windows—Enter xdebug.
      • Mac OS X/Linux—Enter
    • Click Refresh to verify that the interpreter and Xdebug extension are configured properly.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Open the Run/Debug Configuration window and add a new PHP script with the following settings:

    • Name—Enter bin/magento.
    • Configuration > File—Select the path to the bin/magento file in your local environment.
  6. Add breakpoints in the bin/magento file and the debug PHP script created in the previous step.

Using Xdebug Helper

You can install and use the Xdebug Helper Chrome extension to debug your PhP code from the browser.

To use Xdebug Helper with Chrome:

  1. Install the Xdebug Helper extension from the Chrome store.

  2. Enable the extension in Chrome as shown in the following figure.

  3. In Chrome, click in the Chrome toolbar.

  4. From the Xdebug helper menu, click Options.

  5. From the IDE Key list, select PhpStorm.

  6. Click Save.

Running PHP and an Apache in a Docker container is very handy for local development. But how can we debug the PHP code running in the container? In this post, I show you how to configure Xdebug in a PHP container and configure IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate or PhpStorm for remote debugging.

First of all, we need to install and activate Xdebug in our PHP container. Therefore, we create an own Docker image based on the PHP/Apache image. Within the Dockerfile we install and enable Xdebug using pecl and docker-php-ext-enable. Afterward, we have to configure Xdebug with some properties in the php.ini. Take a look at the following Dockerfile:

This leads to the following php.ini file within the container:

Phpstorm Docker Xdebug

Port 9000 is the default port and can be skipped. Using xdebug.remote_connect_back, we don’t have to configure the IP of our development machine (where PhpStorm and the Xdebug server runs) manually. If xdebug.remote_connect_back is enabled, Xdebug automatically detects the IP of the inital HTTP request which triggers the PHP execution and connects back to this IP. More details can be found in the xdebug documentation.

To start the container, we can use the following docker-compose.yml:

Create a Run Configuration of the type “PHP Remote Debug”. To be able to select this configuration, you may need to scroll down in the type selection popup (“Add New Configuration”) and click on “52 items more (irrelevant)” in order to find the type “PHP Remote Debug”.

Enter an arbitrary key for Ide key(session id). I usually choose something like IDEA_DEBUG. It’s only important that you remember this key because we will use it later for the request to trigger the debugging.

Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli

Click on the three dots ... next to the Servers field to create a new server.

Use the following server configuration:

  • Name: docker (or so)
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 80
  • Debugger: Xdebug
  • Use path mappings: src -> /var/www/html. Hint: To submit the “absolute path on the server” press enter after typing the path in the text field. If you only click out of the field, your input will be removed.

Build and start the PHP container

Start the created Debug Configuration in PhpStorm.

Create the simple PHP file hello.php in the src folder with the following content:

Phpstorm Xdebug Ssh

Add a breakpoint and make a HTTP request to the PHP file. Don’t forget to append the query parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_START=IDEA_DEBUG to the URL.


Now, PhpStorm should stop at the breakpoint and you should be able to see the value of the variable $world and step through your PHP code.

  • In the above example, we triggered the debugging by passing the Xdebug key manually. But there are other means (like the Chrome extension Xdebug helper) available. Further information can be found here.
  • Does xdebug work at all in the container?
  • Install xdebug - just if you are curious.
  • ‘Configuring xdebug in IDEA’ provides additional information about the configuration.

I used the described approach in my project comment-sidecar. Check it out for the complete source code.