The CData ODBC driver for Office 365 uses the standard ODBC interface to link Office 365 data with applications like Microsoft Access and Excel. Follow the steps below to use Microsoft Query to import Office 365 data into a spreadsheet and provide values to a parameterized query from cells in a spreadsheet.
If you have not already, first specify connection properties in an ODBC DSN (data source name). This is the last step of the driver installation. You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure ODBC DSNs.
To do this: Create a query containing the multivalued field, and open it in Design view. Expand the multivalued field by clicking the plus symbol ( +) next to it — if the field is already expanded, this is a. Drag the multivalued field and its single value field to separate columns in the design.
How To Create A Query In Excel
- In the XQuery Prolog, the namespace keyword defines the prefix that's later used in the query body. The query method constructs XML, a element that has a ProductModelID attribute, in which the ProductModelID attribute value is retrieved from the database. For more information about XML construction, see XML Construction (XQuery).
- To do this, you create a parameter query in Microsoft Query: Parameters are used in the query’s WHERE clause – they always function as a filter for retrieved data. Parameters can prompt the user for an input value when the query is run or refreshed, use a constant as the input value, or use the contents of a specified cell as the input value.
Ms Query Iif
Office 365 uses the OAuth authentication standard. To authenticate requests, you will need to obtain the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and OAuthCallbackURL by registering an app with Office 365. See the 'Getting Started' chapter of the help documentation for a guide to using OAuth. Download number nine visual driver.
You can then work with live Office 365 data in Excel.
- In Excel, open the Data tab and choose From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Query.
- Choose the Office365 DSN. Select the option to use Query Wizard to create/edit queries.
- In the Query Wizard, expand the node for the table you would like to import into your spreadsheet. Select the columns you want to import and click the arrow to add them to your query. Alternatively, select the table name to add all columns for that table.
- The Filter Data page allows you to specify criteria. For example, you can limit results by setting a date range.
- If you want to use parameters in your query, select the option to edit the query in Microsoft Query.
To set a parameter in the query, you will need to modify the SQL statement directly. To do this, click the SQL button in the Query Editor. If you set filter criteria earlier, you should have a WHERE clause already in the query.
To use a parameter, use a '?' character as the wildcard character for a field's value in the WHERE clause. Displaylink others driver download. For example, if you are importing the Files, you can set 'UserId=?'.
- Close the SQL dialog when you are finished editing the SQL statement. You will be prompted to enter a parameter value. In the next step, you will select a cell to provide this value. So, leave the box in the dialog blank.
Close Microsoft Query. Drivers audiotrak products. The Import Data dialog is displayed. Enter a cell where results should be imported.
- Close the Import Data dialog. You will be prompted to enter a parameter value. Click the button next to the parameter box to select a cell. Select the option to automatically refresh the spreadsheet when the value changes.