- Dart Cheat Sheet Github
- Dart Cheat Sheet 2020
- Dart Out Cheat Sheet
- Dart Cheat Sheet 2021
- Darts Out Chart Printable
- 301 Out Chart Printable
Built-in Types
- Flutter Cheat Sheet. You need to get started quickly with Flutter? Here are some cheats that will help you get started with developing your next billion dollar app!!
- Ok on this occasion I will share a cheat sheet for those of you who want to learn the DART Programming Language or want to learn Flutter. The First lesson (Hello World By Force).
- Numbers: num, int, double
- Strings: String, StringBuffer, RegExp
- Booleans: bool, true, false
- Dates & Times: DateTime, Duration, Stopwatch
- Collections: List<E>, Set<E>, Map<K, V>
Outchart for dart '01 games. Frame Breaker '01 Out Chart 'Any double, no matter how small or subtle, can be overcome with a sufficient application of brute force and dogged persistence.' DB = Double Bull B = Single Bull T = Triple D=Double. 170 - T20, T20, DB: 137 - T17, T18, D16: 104 - T18, 18, D16. DART stands for “days away, restricted or transferred.” DART is a safety metric mandated by OSHA. It helps employers determine how many workplace injuries and illnesses caused employees to miss work days, perform restricted work activities or transfer to another job within one calendar year.
- int hashCode
- Type runtimeType
- String toString()
- Iterable<Match> allMatches(String str)
- Match firstMatch(String str)
- bool hasMatch(String str)
Dart Cheat Sheet Github
Dart Cheat Sheet 2020
- Future future
- bool complete([T value])
- completeError(exception)
- new Future(computation())
- new Future.delayed(duration, [compute()])
- new Future.value(value)
- new Future.error(error)
- Future<List> Future.wait(futures)
- Future Future.forEach(iterable, Future f(e))
- Future Future.doWhile(f())
- Stream<T> asStream()
- Future catchError(onError(error))
- Future then(onValue(value))
- Future whenComplete(action())
- new Stream.fromIterable(iterable)
- new Stream.fromFuture(future)
- new Stream.periodic(period)
- new Stream.empty()
- Future<bool> get isEmpty
- Future<int> get length
- Future<T> get first
- Future<T> get last
- Future<T> get single
- bool get isBroadcast
- Future<bool> any(predicate)
- Stream<T> asBroadcastStream()
- Stream<T> distinct()
- Stream<T> skip(count)
- Stream<T> skipWhile(predicate)
- Stream<T> take(count)
- Stream<T> where(predicate)
- Stream<T> takeWhile(predicate)
- Stream expand(Iterable convert(T value))
- Stream map(convert(T event))
- Stream transform(streamTransformer)
- Stream<T> handleError(handle(error))
- StreamSubscription listen(onData(event))
- Future pipe(streamConsumer)
- Future<bool> contains(T match)
- Future<T> elementAt(index)
- Future<bool> every(predicate)
- Future<T> firstWhere(predicate)
- Future<T> lastWhere(predicate)
- Future<T> singleWhere(predicate)
- Future<T> reduce(combine(previous, e))
- Future fold(initValue, combine(previous, e))
- Future<List<T>> toList()
- Future<Set<T>> toSet()
Dart Out Cheat Sheet
- Timer.run(callback()))
- new Timer(duration, callback())
- new Timer.periodic(duration, callback())
- cancel()
- Library: library, part, part of, import, export, show, hide, deferred
- Class: class, enum, abstract, extends, implements, this, super, with
- Constructor: new, factory, const
- Function: operator, external
- Getter / Setter: get, set
- Type: void, null, var, dynamic, typedef, is, as, false, true
- Modifier: static, final, const
- Control flow: if, else, for, in, while, do, break, continue, return, switch, case, default, assert
- Asynchrony: await, async, async*, sync*, yield, yield*
- Exception: try, catch, finally, throw, rethrow
- LineTransformer
- StringDecoder
- StringEncoder
- ContentType
- Cookie
- HttpHeaders
- HttpSession
- HttpClient
- HttpServer
- WebSocket
- Socket
HTTP Client
- Future<String> read(url)
- Future<Response> get(url)
- Future<Response> post(url)
- Future<Response> put(url)
- Future<Response> delete(url)
- Future<Response> head(url)
- Isolate.spawn(entryPoint(msg), msg)
- Isolate.spawnUri(Uri uri, List args, msg)
- SendPort controlPort
- Stream errors
- pause()
- resume()
- kill()
Dart Cheat Sheet 2021
- MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem()
- InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee)
- ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key)
- TypeMirror reflectType(Type key)
- Arithmetics: + - * / % ~/ -
- Increment / Decrement:
-- ++expr
- Bitwise: & | ^ ~
<< >> - Comparison: != >= > <= <
- Logical: && || !
- Conditional:
- Assignment: = *= /= ~/= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= ??=
- Accessors: [] . .. ?.
- Type / Argument: as is is! ?
- Symbol: #
Unit test functions
- test(String spec, TestFunction body)
- expect(actual, matcher)
- fail(String message)
- group(String description, body())
- setUp(Function setupTest)
- tearDown(Function teardownTest)
- is[InstanceOf, List | Map]
- is[Null | NotNull]
- matches, predicate, wrapMatcher
- isNot, anyOf, allOf, someElement, everyElement
- anything, returnsNormally
- equals, same, unorderedEquals, orderedEquals
- completes, wrapAsync, completion
- is[True, False]
- is[Negative | NonNegative | NonPositive | Positive | NonZero | Zero]
- in[ClosedOpen, CloseOpen, Exclusive, Inclusive ]Range, closeTo, lessThanOrEqualTo, lessThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan
- stringContainsInOrder, endsWith, startsWith, equalsIgnoringWhitespace, equalsIgnoringCase
- containsPair, containsValue, isIn, contains, isEmpty, hasLength
- is[ArgumentError | Exception | FormatException | RangeError | StateError | UnimplementedError | UnsupportedError | NoSuchMethodError]
- throws, throws[A | ArgumentError | Exception | FormatException | NoSuchMethodError | RangeError | StateError | UnimplementedError | UnsupportedError]
Top-level functions
- happened[AtLeastOnce, AtMostOnce, Once, AtMost, AtLeast, Exactly], neverHappened
- sharedLog
- [never, sometime, always]Threw, throwing
- [never, sometime, always]Returned
- returning
- callsTo
Mock class
- new Mock(), new Mock.custom(), new Mock.spy(Object realObject)
- log, logging, name
- calls(), clearLogs(), getLogs(), reset(), resetBehavior(), verifyZeroInteractions(), when(CallMatcher logFilter)
Unordered | Ordered | Sorted | |
List | List | ||
Set | HashSet | LinkedHashSet | SplayTreeSet |
Map | HashMap | LinkedHashMap | SplayTreeMap |
- const Iterable.empty()
- new Iterable.generate(count, generator(i))
- bool isEmpty
- bool isNotEmpty
- Iterator<E> iterator
- int length
- E first
- E single
- E last
- E elementAt(index)
- E firstWhere(predicate)
- E lastWhere(predicate)
- singleWhere(predicate)
- bool contains(e)
- bool any(predicate)
- bool every(predicate)
- Iterable map(f(E e))
- Iterable expand(Iterable f(E e))
- Iterable<E> where(predicate)
- forEach(f(E e))
- Iterable<E> skip(n)
- Iterable<E> skipWhile(predicate)
- Iterable<E> take(n)
- Iterable<E> takeWhile(predicate)
- E reduce(combine(E value, E e))
- fold(initValue, combine(previous, e))
- String join([separator])
- List<E> toList()
- Set<E> toSet()
- add(E e)
- insert(index, E e)
- addAll(Iterable<E> elements)
- remove(Object element)
- retainWhere(predicate)
- insertAll(index, Iterable<E> iterable)
- setAll(index, Iterable<E> iterable)
- clear()
- E operator [ ](index)
- operator [ ]=(index, E value)
- Iterable<E> get reversed
- sort([comparator])
- indexOf(E e, [start = 0])
- int lastIndexOf(E e, [start])
- E removeAt(index)
- E removeLast()
- List<E> sublist(int start, [int end])
- removeRange(int start, int end)
- fillRange(int start, int end, [E fillValue])
- replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable)
- setRange(start, end, Iterable<E> iterable)
- Map<int, E> asMap()
- clear()
- bool containsValue(V value)
- bool containsKey(K key)
- V operator [ ](K key)
- operator [ ]=(K key, V value)
- V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent())
- V remove(K key)
- forEach(f(K key, V value))
- Iterable<K> get keys
- Iterable<V> get values
Darts Out Chart Printable
unlike most sports darts can actually be very cheap to start and to play, but from the experience of being on here and personal experience it wont be as cheap as you may first think ! i hope by passing on what little knowledge i have to save you both time and money. of course like many things a lot may disagree with what i have to say and i'm sure more advice will be posted on this thread so scroll through and read it all.
1st things 1st
research the internet for information on your new sport. you'll do well to sign up to this forum if you are just a guest as you'll enjoy the benefits of discounts at major darts shops , the chance to win FREE stuff , join in with practice routines and challenges.
you may already have a set of darts and a board but if not , well board choice is easy. you either want to get a winmau blade 4 or blade 4 dual core. there are other boards out there that are arguably better , but one of these should do you for your 1st 2 years of playing and the standard blade 4 is tried and tested
now here is where your money will go ! you may start of thinking oh these will do ,but you'll soon find yourself on a quest for the holly grail of darts and spend a small fortune in doing so . this is why i would suggest going straight over to puredarts.co.uk and having a look at these ranges -
eagle darts , elkadarts , hi-tec , harrows , mccoys , pure , ruthless , tommys .
instead of buying the lastest player model or fancy coated £50+ dart buy a few of these in different weights and shapes. i would suggest buying at least 3 sets to begin with (darts can always be traded on here if you don't like them) by the way most UK darts shops post overseas for a reasonable price and you'll save 20% if buying from outside of europe as you don't need to pay VAT. i would say buy a 22g and 24g and a 26g and i would suggest looking for these shapes 1st
the classic bullet shape dart
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the bristow type
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the ton machine type
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these are classic shaped darts and will give you a rough idea of where you want to grip and how they feel which will help you in making you next choices.
next you want to set up your darts , which means using different shape/length/size flights and stems. forget metal stems for now and just get some deflectagrip nylons here
buy some extra short , short , tweeny (intermediate) and some mediums. for flights get some r4x ones here buy some slim , kite , pear and standard.
now just mix and match your flights, stems and barrels and see what results you are getting. these are all cheap options ,but you may be surprised to see how many pro players use the same equipment , expensive doesn't necessarily mean better in this game. nylon stems and r4x flights are amongst the best you can get and very cheap.
practice apps ! the best IMO out there is https://www.pro-darter.com/ sign up straight away , this app allows you to play against the computer or opponents from around the world , many of which you'll find and make friends with on here.
you can also sign up to www.webcamdarts.com this requires you to have a webcam , decent lighting at you board and a good internet speed and computer. playing against other people is the best practice you can get. read more here
so main things here
good dartboard
buy cheap darts/accessories and experiment !
play online
read though the forum and join in
remember we have a chat box on main page too where you can get astoundingly quick answers and information